
At twenty-four years old, I’m still a novice at most things in life. Frying an egg? Changing a tire? Sending an email? Please, I was born in the year 2000. If my phone can’t tell me how to do it, there’s a strong likelihood I won’t even try.

Though I have limited financial education (and I mean limited), I still take my finances seriously. Living through a few market crashes and a global pandemic will do that to you. Plus, I decided to follow my dreams of working in the film industry… along with any hope of having a stable career.

So, what’s a girl to do? Rising rent prices, car payments, student loans, those debts aren’t going to pay themselves, and making a minimum wage in this economy just doesn’t cut it. My answer?

With all the information out there today, along with countless investing options, financial advisors, and unsolicited advice, sorting through the good, the bad, and the ugly has become my favorite pastime.

My goal is to learn how to invest. I’m not interested in day trading, or speculating, or throwing cash at bitcoin. Are you crazy? This is my hard-earned money we’re talking about!

No, I want to learn how the greats like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and Mohnish Pabrai do it. My goal is to learn how to invest in value driven companies with a high degree of certainty.

Though, let me be clear. This is not an instructional blog, and I am in no way a finance professional. I’m self-taught and an amateur at best. Here, you will find my thoughts on mostly simple concepts that have to do with the stock market, bond market, and related publications. Nothing I write should be taken as sound financial advice, so please do not speculate on my behalf.

With that said, I want to welcome you to my ramblings as a novice investor! Sit back, relax, and join me on this adventure toward financial freedom!

– M. Potter